TILLIG Modellbahnen GmbH | Promenade 1 | 01855 SebnitzTel.: +49 (0)35971 903-0 | Fax: +49 (0)35971 903-19 | E-Mail: info@tillig.comCookie-Einstellungen | |
TILLIG Modellbahnen GmbH
Promenade 1
01855 Sebnitz
Tel.: +49 (0) 3 59 71/903-0
Fax: +49 (0) 3 59 71/903-19
E-Mail: info@tillig.com
29.02. Delivery New Items 2023/2024
TT-new items in delivery (february 29th 2024):
01070 Passenger coach set “Preußischer Schnellzug” of the K.P.E.V. with one baggage car, one 2nd/3rd class passenger coach and one 3rd class passenger coach, part 1, Ep. I
01072 Passenger coach set of the DB with one 1st/2nd class passenger coach and one 2nd class passenger coach, Ep. III
01073 Passenger coach set of the DB with two 2nd class passenger coaches, Ep. III
01079 Freight car set of the Viamont a.s. with two hopper cars Falls, Ep. VI
02103 Steam locomotive 23 001 of the DR, Ep. III
04841 Electric locomotive 1193-980 of the Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo GmbH, Ep. VI
12003 1st/2nd class passenger coach AB4ü of the DR, Ep. III
12004 2nd class passenger coach B4ü of the DR, Ep. III
12050 Dining car “Mitropa” WR4ü of the DR, Ep. III
14092 Open car L7 of the SBB, Ep. III
16770 2nd class ICE „Redesign“ passenger coach of the DB AG, Ep. VI
16771 2nd class ICE „Redesign“ passenger coach of the DB AG, Ep. VI
17445 Acid pod car „Koninklije Nederlandsche Zoutindustrie“ of the NS, Ep. II
17569 Swing roof car Tds “Quarzwerke” of the DB AG, Ep. VI
H0-new items in delivery (february 31th 2024):
74971 Baggage car Pw of the DR, Ep. III
74973 2nd class passenger coach Bip of the DR, Ep. III
77014 Wine barrel car “Scaler & Cie.” of the SBB, Ep. II
77045 Acid tank car Zd of the DR, Ep. III