TILLIG Modellbahnen GmbH | Promenade 1 | 01855 SebnitzTel.: +49 (0)35971 903-0 | Fax: +49 (0)35971 903-19 | E-Mail: info@tillig.comCookie-Einstellungen | |
TILLIG Modellbahnen GmbH
Promenade 1
01855 Sebnitz
Tel.: +49 (0) 3 59 71/903-0
Fax: +49 (0) 3 59 71/903-19
E-Mail: info@tillig.com
TT-Club meeting 2020
TILLIG-TT-Club meeting 2020 und Open door day
Dear model railway friends,
In just under five weeks - on 6 June 2020 - this year's hobby calendar featured an event that many model railway enthusiasts have been looking forward to for a long time: This year’s Open Day with a TT-Club meeting.
However, in the meantime the Corona situation has turned life throughout the world completely upside down. That means our event in Sebnitz has now also not been spared. We therefore have to inform you that our Club Meeting / Open Day will unfortunately be cancelled this time.
The question has already been raised since March of whether our meeting in June could take place as planned. Of course we were also unable to estimate the further course of events, so that we had actually planned to present you the preliminary programme for this day.
However, even though at the time of going to press no one could precisely know what the situation would be at the beginning of June, we have now decided to take this step. This is because, irrespective of how the official regulations for major events will have developed by then, the wellbeing and health of our visitors, co-exhibitors and employees were our primary concern when making this decision.
And even if it will be some time before we have reached that point - we are now simply looking forward to the next event together with you, which will take place next summer in Sebnitz: Probably on 12 June 2021.
Your TILLIG Modellbahnen team
Status: april 30th 2020
TILLIG-TT-Club meeting 2020 und Open door day
The "TT-Clubmeeting 2020 and Open door day" will be held on Saturday, June 06, 2020 in Sebnitz. You can already look forward to many interesting events and an entertaining day.
We have planned the following for you: - TILLIG-TT-CLUB support More information will follow shortly. |
At the end of April 2020, you will find further information about this year's TILLIG-TT-club meeting 2020 and open day. We are already looking forward to welcoming all TT club members and, of course, all the model railway friends in Sebnitz.
Status august 30th 2019